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Your boss doesn’t care about you.

Your newsfeed is lying to you.

Your world is turning upside down.


The question you need to ask is: What Would Marcus Do?


Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor and leading Stoic philosopher. His ‘Meditations’ have helped people in all walks of life become more resilient, enjoy greater peace-of-mind and live their very best lives.

Now, the Modern Marcus takes the original Meditations and rewrites them from a thoroughly 21st century perspective – in modern language, with modern references, for a modern audience.

Importantly, the Modern Marcus is not simply another translation – it starts from a radically different place: What would Marcus write if he was writing today?

The result? It’s like chatting with Marcus over a flat white in your favourite coffee shop.


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Want more? Scroll down to find out what you’ll get in your copy of the Modern Marcus…



The Modern Marcus by Jason Ball

The Modern Marcus is available in paperback and for Kindle. In its pages you’ll get:

  • An introduction covering what’s changed (and what hasn’t) between the original Meditations and the Modern Marcus

  • The full 12 books of the Meditations — rewritten in the language of today but retaining the central thinking and wisdom of the original

  • A guide to the five core themes you’ll find throughout the Meditations and how they relate to the 21st century world we all live in

  • An index of the Meditations focused on the kinds of challenges many of us face today — from dealing with anger and frustration to resisting the pull of fame and facing up to our ultimate demise

These are the Meditations for the world we live in.